Weaving International Law Into Curricula to Help Students Navigate a Post-College World



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In our ever-shrinking world, the legal effects and consequences of our actions can (and do) extend beyond our nation’s borders. "Cause and effect" is an international, global concept. Although the study of international law is generally conducted separately from domestic law, particularly in areas such as public law, there have been scholars arguing that this hard break between the two is unnecessary. In most legal studies undergraduate courses, the focus of our scholarship is on U.S. law; however, at Purdue Global we have woven examples or elements of international law into many courses. In addition, we evaluate the consequences to actions here in the US that can impact those in other parts of the world. By reviewing a few examples from our current curriculum, we can demonstrate how we engage our students in international issues, explore the complexities and hopefully evolve in our understanding of laws and the consequences of these decisions globally.



International law, Global economy, Structural distinction, Functional distinction, Separation of powers, Jurisprudence, Law and Society, Ethics and the legal environment


