Utilizing Anonymous Student Feedback to Improve Seminar Content and Reinforce the Instructor-Student Relationship


Engagement practices that foster student learning, interest, and motivation can lead to student satisfaction and better retention outcomes (Gray & DiLoreto, 2016). Synchronous weekly seminars provide a special opportunity for student and instructor engagement (Martin & Bolliger, 2018). Seminars are designed to be engaging and interactive, but it can be difficult to determine how students feel about the seminar content and if the seminar is effective in teaching the skills necessary to achieve mastery of the unit and course outcomes. Instructors teaching multiple courses in the PG Science Department will distribute an anonymous feedback form to students to gather information on how students react to the weekly seminar topic and instruction. Preliminary data collected will help to enhance instructor seminars, and evaluate seminar topics for course revisions, all which support retention and satisfaction. This presentation will discuss the progress of the usage of the form and how the data collected can be utilized for future course improvements.




