Using Atomic Habits, Mindset Interventions, and Other Simple Steps to Reimagine Student Success

dc.contributor.authorHealey, David
dc.contributor.authorLove, Jessica
dc.contributor.authorTeitler, Lisa
dc.descriptionLearning outcomes "Participants will be able to: • Identify key time management factors for student success. • Understand how to weave success principles into seminars and discussions. • Provide students with the tools for building their own successful habits. "en_US
dc.description.abstract"For online learners, time management and confidence remain obstacles to success, especially for first-term students. Although suggested schedules and reminders are part of introductory classes, students benefit from seminar and discussion board feedback emphasis on these skills. In his book, Atomic Habits, James Clear sums up the idea perfectly, “With the same habits, you’ll end up with the same results. But with better habits, anything is possible” (p. 4). Other approaches such as resilience also reduce stress and build student confidence (McGonigal, 2016). Encouraging these approaches in the classroom helps instructors support student success. This presentation will highlight the approaches outlined by Clear and others, such as addressing motivation and willpower, and getting back on task after a setback. These are lessons that can be emphasized in the classroom to reinforce student success and reassure them that each day can be a fresh start toward building habits for success. References Clear, J. (2020). Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones. Avery. McGonigal, K. (2016, November 1). 4 Powerful Mindsets for Turning Stress Into a Positive Force. Edutopia. "en_US
dc.titleUsing Atomic Habits, Mindset Interventions, and Other Simple Steps to Reimagine Student Successen_US


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