Applied Curriculum Influences Positive Student Satisfaction


Technology has changed marketing significantly, impacting the needed qualifications for students entering the industry (Laveriea et al., 2020). Universities continue to seek valuable forms of instruction that provide students will real-world skillsets that link to industry expectations. One method is to embed industry professional certifications and tools into the curriculum. Research from multiple disciplines has already demonstrated a positive correlation between course content developed around industry needs and significant knowledge transfer to post-graduate opportunities and employment. (Niman & Chagnon, 2021; Ranta et al., 2020; Zanville et al., 2017; Swanson & Tomkovick (2012). This study investigates the influence of incorporating digital marketing certifications and industry tools into the marketing curriculum. A pilot study was conducted to learn whether this additional application to learning created student satisfaction and the development of confidence leading to professional self-efficacy. It also provides a simple pedagogical framework to consider that will assist faculty in determining useful strategies for implementation that can be used in multiple disciplines.


1) Discuss forms of instruction that create value for students and link to industry expectations. 2) Examine qualitative data from a pilot study demonstrating student satisfaction and sentiment when incorporating OER and certifications into the curriculum. 3) Propose a strategic framework to assist faculty when choosing and implementing open educational resources and certifications in their curriculum.



