Byers, Rachel2019-12-312019-12-312016Byers, R. (2016). Mezzanine financing: Funding corporate growth. Journal of International Finance Studies, 16(2), 7-10.1945-2950 small to medium-sized businesses that have maxed out the amount banks are willing to lend their company due to high loan-to-value (LTV) ratios are left with few options for funding expansion. While giving up equity to private equity firms or additional individual owners is an option, owners and managers are searching for new ways to fund growth without giving up substantial equity. Mezzanine financing may be a good alternative because it falls between senior, collateralized debt and private equity funding. A review of the development of mezzanine funding is included, along with thorough, practical examples that show how mezzanine financing can bridge the gap for small businesses looking to fund growth.en-USMezzanine Financing: Funding Corporate Growth.Article