Owens, AngelaWilliams, NikkiHowlett, Paulette2020-07-062020-07-062020-04-28http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12264/276“If educational interventions want to improve the learning efficiency of learners and have positive effects on learners, it is necessary to understand the individual differences of learners” (2018, Min, Chen, Liu, & Zuo). Understanding students can be a challenge, especially in the online environment. While personality tests are not used through the admissions process, an understanding of the typical characteristics of the personality types defined by the MBTI® as well as corresponding learning styles can create a more inclusive environment among the diverse population. The presenters will give an overview of MBTI® and how it can be used to interact effectively with students and colleagues.enDiversity and Inclusivity in the Classroom: Using MBTI to Interact Inside and Outside of the ClassroomPresentation