Schoen, SamanthaBourne, Bea2021-02-032021-02-032020-11-12 “IQ may get your foot in the door, but EQ will determine how far you go.” (Kohli, 2020, para. 2). Research indicates that emotional intelligence (EQ) is more important than intellectual intelligence. EQ involves being aware of emotions and having the ability to control your own and manage the emotions of others, this is the foundation of great leadership (Smith, 2014). Having matured levels of EQ will propel a person’s self-brand and aid leaders in advancing any organization as they practice techniques of building a successful team. Emotions may be difficult, complicated, messy, and are a part of every team. Knowing how to manage emotions may expedite the stages of team development. For example, a leader with high levels of EQ can take a storming team, to norming, and very quickly to the performing stage. Intellectual credentials will open opportunity’s door, but an elevated EQ equals success.en-USLeading with Emotional IntelligencePresentation