Snow, Jamie Brenae2021-06-082021-06-082021 of depression and anxiety often begin to develop during adolescence due to the developmental stage of identity versus role confusion. Sustaining meaningful relationships among peers is vital in this stage. In March 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 an emergency, causing schools nationwide to shut down. Social distancing forced adolescents away from their peers, which led to various studies on the implications of isolation amongst children. Researchers are discovering a significant correlation between social distancing and depression in adolescents. The current study (N=52) examined participants that were parents of a high school student. The intent was to gain knowledge on parental perspectives on how their child has dealt with social distancing and if they believed their student would benefit from resilience training in the school curriculum. Respondents answered questions from SCARED, UCLA Loneliness Scale, and the CES-D, NIMH measurements with a follow-up question about their child's school curriculum. Depression and anxiety were positively correlated with social distancing on all respondents' surveys.en-USAdolescenceCOVID-19DepressionIsolationAnxietyParents’ Perception of Students Mental Health and Resiliency: Effects of COVID-19 Distancing Stipulations Among High School StudentsThesis