Chicone, RhondaBurton, TinaHuston, Julie A.2019-12-312019-12-312018Chicone, R., Burton, T., & Huston, J. (2018). Using Facebook’s open source Capture the Flag platform as a hands-on learning and assessment tool for cybersecurity education. International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications (IJCSSA) 6(1), Special Edition: Transforming Learning With Smart Technology.2166-7292 is a high demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals, however, entry-level employees and college graduates often lack the hands-on and real-world experience they need to be successful in the cybersecurity industry. This high demand has led educators to pursue innovative and smart application technologies as a way for students to gain hands-on skills and to practice those skills in a safe and fun environment. Cybergames are now being used by educational institutions and in private and public industry sectors. One popular game in the cybersecurity space is called Capture the Flag (CTF). This study investigates Facebook's CTF platform as a cost-effective learning and assessment tool for undergraduate and graduate cybersecurity adult students for an online university.en-USUsing Facebook's Open Source Capture the Flag Platform as a Hands-on Learning and Assessment Tool for Cybersecurity EducationArticle