Erickson, Paige2020-07-062020-07-062020-04-28 acquisition offers an opportunity for humility, new perspectives, and empathy. Language learning builds compassion for non-native speakers, and provides a sense of how adult students may approach their education. Adult learners have often been leaders in their communities, fields, and families, but pursuing a degree requires taking a path of humility to actualize one’s potential. With reflections on a decade of studying German, Turkish, and Hungarian, including a connection to works of Hungarian literature, this presentation will highlight the lessons language learners share with lifelong learners at Purdue Global. Language can connect one to a mindset. “There is a term in Hungarian, the ‘kiskapu’, which translated directly means ‘small gate’; figuratively it means the side entrance...the way round. It’s a concept dear to Hungarians that you can talk your way out, or talk your way in (Fischer, Loc. 180-182).” The path to self-discovery often means finding a way around one’s initial expectations. This presentation features a call for faculty to new empathy with students. It will offer ideas on how to come to the classroom with delight for curiosity and appreciation for the unknown.enLanguage Learning and Lifelong Learners: A Call to Humility, Curiosity and EmpathyPresentation