McGlawn, PennyLaCour, Misty2019-10-012019-10-012018McGlawn, P. & LaCour, M. (2018). Meeting the needs of the foster child: Perceptions of the K-6 teacher. The International Journal of Learner Diversity and Identities, 24(4), 23-35. growing number of children are entering the foster-care system every year. The trauma experienced by these children negatively impacts them. This current study sought to determine the perceptions of foster children by thirty-six teacher participants. The results indicate a need to increase teacher’s awareness of foster children and the unique challenges they face. This study has brought a heightened awareness of the teachers’ perceptions toward this growing population of students relative to the challenges facing foster children. Teachers must be aware of the issues these students face while providing adequate interventions to meet the needs of these students.Full TextenFoster CareDiversityAchievement GapProfessional DevelopmentMeeting the Needs of the Foster Child: Perceptions of the K-6 TeacherArticle