Critical Thinking for the Legal Professional



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All professions require employees with critical thinking skills. These skills can be in greater demand, depending upon the profession. Although critical thinking can be taught on the job, most employers would prefer strong candidates who already have developed these skills prior to being hired. With these skills already honed, employers can then help their new hires to direct these skills appropriately for that particular job or profession. In order to have employees evaluate the facts and come to the best outcomes, one must have practice to develop these skills. When one develops these critical thinking skills, one is also developing other related skills, such as problem-solving skills and communication skills. Creativity may also be important, particularly when innovation for a solution is needed. For legal studies, these skills are critical. We have several ways to assist the student in developing these skills. Written assignments provide for great ways to assess this skill. Effective discussion board activities, with proper faculty engagement, can be a safe way to begin to develop this skill.




