Building Effective Work Relationships: How employees are Building and Maintaining Relationships in the Office and Remote Environment By Generation



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This study looks at how employees build and maintain work relationships in a remote environment compared to in-person and by generation. The study takes from research by Vangelisti and Caughlin (1997), Lubben et al. (2006), and Golden et al. (2006) to measure the quality of the coworker relationship by work location and generation. Additionally, the study includes an original survey to measure the methods, actions, and use of technology that the participants employ to build and maintain these relationships by work location and generation. The results show no significant difference in the coworker relationship quality by location. However, there was a significant difference in the psychological closeness of the coworker relationships between the different generations, with older generations rating higher quality relationships with their colleagues. There was also a significant difference in the use of technology by work location and generation, with remote workers and older employees (Baby Boomers) using more forms of technology to build relationships with their colleagues.



Remote work, Coworker friendships, Social isolation, Work generations
