Medical Marijuana in the Work Place: Keeping Small Business Informed


A combination of increased state legislation, medical marijuana prescriptions, and acceptance by the medical community presents challenges to business owners regarding the use of medical marijuana in the workplace. Employers need to determine how and when to conduct drug testing, how to maintain a safe work environment and what to do about accommodating employees who use medical marijuana. This article presents an overview of the ramifications of state and federal legislation related to medical marijuana in the workplace including The Family Medical Leave Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, OSHA, and the Controlled Substances Act. A number of strategies are presented including what items to include in drug use policies, how to train supervisor, and guidelines for drug testing. The article also focuses on the physical impact of marijuana use and how it relates to safety in the workplace.



Medical marijuana, Small Business, Legal Responsibilities


Stringham, C., Allard, I., Knapp, S. & Minor, M. (2017). Medical marijuana in the work place: Keeping small business informed. Small Business Institute Journal, 13(1) 16-29.